
I`ve got one small question, that I still can`t resolve.

suppose we have class Person , and variables:

var p1:Person;

p1.name = 'John';

not we have some other reference to this object (for.ex. from other 
part of program)

var p2:Person = p1;

If I`ll now make 
p1.name = 'Steve'

of course p2.name will also be Steve - that`s clear.

But now we receive object p3:Person and we wan`t to 'copy' it on p1 
object ( so that p1 will be the same as p3).

If we will make
 p1 = p3 ; 
it will of course create reference and p2 object, and all other 
references to p1 will remain unchanged.

The only way to change p1 DATA not REFERENCE is to do:
p1.name = p3.name 

So now p2.name will be a new one

The question is - how can we copy each property VALUE of one object 
to the other. If Person have a lot of properties - we need to write 
each property.

Maybe we could make some loop like 
 for each attribute in Person 
   p1.['attribute'] = p3.['attribute']

But it`s still not elegant

Is there any way to do:
 memcpy(p3,p1) ?


Piotr Chruscielewski

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