I am reviving this thread because I am still experiencing memory 
problems with Flexbuilder 3.  I gave up on it and switched to 
FlashDevelop and the Flex SDK I was so frustrated, so I was able to 
continue my project, but now I am resolved to get this fixed, 
especially since we now have SEVERAL other employees who purchased 
Flexbuilder 3 and are experiencing the same problem.  These people 
are new to Flex, are traditionally .NET programmers and so far have 
not been impressed with Flexbuilder unfortunately due to this error. 
This seems to be pretty common from the Googling I have done.    

When I try and compile large projects, Flexbuilder throws up out or 
memory errors about Java Heap Space ("An internal memory error 
occured during: "Launching Venice(1)". Java Heap Space"). (Venice is 
the name of my Flex 3 project) 

All the googling I've done, resulted in posts like this one: 
http://mcquilleninteractive.com/blog/?p=12 which point to making 
tweaks to either the Flexbuilder.ini file or the Eclipse.ini file.  

The odd thing is these files are not on my computer ANYWHERE.  I have 
checked the root install directory of Flexbuilder and also searched 
using Windows XP's file search feature.   

I had this problem on my last laptop, and my company recently 
upgraded me to a new laptop. Both laptops have 2GB memory. I did not 
install Flexbuilder myself, it was pushed to my machine via Tivoli 
(after we bought a license) which my company uses to manage 
software.  So perhaps it is partially our fault it was not installed 
right or something, I don't know.  Regardless, how can I fix this? 

I am close to calling Adobe Support, but I thought this list could 
help before I result to that.


Jason Merrill
Bank of America

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