I agree.  Let's see what happens.

Everyone here is an individual that can judge for themselves.

I myself and quite concerned.

I hope to be more informed than the Press Releases, White-paper and list of Clients already served by Adobe with a solution akin to the "Hybrid" or "Flex Store" and based on a high-performance platform.

Great. But where does that FLEX mass-appeal product leave the developers.

If Scene7.com did it themselves great. But Adobe has purchased them, the CEO of Adobe resigned about the same time, and now we have a new Adobe who is building a hybrid lightweight operating system in AIR that I have been very excited about in the past in my posts here, and in an OpenGL display framework (Papervision3D to the rescue), but now Adobe has just added a new dimension to all of this....competition in a very real sense against a developer, for example, bidding for a Small Running Shoe company. Do they choose Adobe Scene7 or do they choose a developer? Probably Adobe.

A ran 8:52 for the 3200m in college, All SEC twice, and NCAA Division-1, 3rd place championship team, and had a good running career, which is why I brought up the example of a running shoe store.


On Aug 30, 2008, at 1:39 AM, Vivian Richard wrote:

As you said Alex, started a new thread and lets see what happens.

On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 8:52 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Didn't take much time at all. Wrote it while running unit tests. Please > start a new thread about a scheduling framework and what is missing. I
> doubt I will have time to do anything, but maybe someone else in the
> community can.
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Vivian Richard
> Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 8:14 PM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] OpenLaszlo.org supports Flex, Silverlight, AJAX,
> soon Quicktime, and also DHTML and W3C
> Wow!!!! Alex you definitely did spent a lot of time to write
> this email. Your time is really precious for the whole user
> group. I am sure you could come up with another excellent
> flex example if you would code during this time!!! :-) Alex
> please develop a good example of flex schedule framework.
> It is been a while that "flex schedule framework" came out
> and there are no good examples out there. Now we
> are looking at you to show us the way. Please give us time
> and develop ALEXIAN example of "flex schedule frame work".
> It is not a rude demand but a humble request. Cheers....
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> Matt Chotin is away this week and has moved from development to product >> management and therefore must now choose his words carefully. I'm still in
>> development so maybe I can get away with more.
>> Robert, I don't think we've met, and I haven't gone back to see your past >> history with Flex, but I would like to ask you to think twice about the
>> way
>> you are trying to get your message across before hitting send. Sending
>> high
>> priority messages, and maybe not having all of your facts straight,
>> discredits your message and invites others to get mad or poke fun or both. >> I believe your message is that Adobe also sells solutions via Scene7 and >> Adobe Consulting and could purposefully or accidentally end up competing >> with independents like yourself, and that there are alternatives to Flex
>> such as OpenLaszlo and Silverlight and Quicktime. That part of your
>> message
>> is not really debatable. I've worked for Lotus and IBM in my past and they >> also both sold development tools and had solutions teams and there is a
>> fine
>> line they have to walk. Occasionally, they stepped on one of their
>> independents.
>> It is unfortunate that you've been burned in the past, and you and others >> should definitely keep on the lookout for competition whether from Adobe
>> or
>> other independents. However, the call to arms to have everyone attend a >> webinar did not warrant "red alert" status. Yellow maybe. And based on >> your past, I'm surprised you would place so much weight on what you would >> hear in a webinar or in any public statement by Adobe. This is a fast >> moving marketplace and Adobe can change its mind right after talking to >> you. You'll always have to read the tea leaves and be ready to change
>> course yourself.
>> Finally, this forum is not an Adobe forum. There are non-Adobe moderators. >> As far as I'm concerned, you can get on your soapbox anytime you want, but >> if you want to reach a wide audience, fire and brimstone may not be the
>> best
>> approach. If you just want to vent, please warn us up front. And when you >> get on your soapbox, sometimes you just have a clever comeback line or
>> just
>> ignore the hecklers, including me. Yelling back at them is a waste of your >> energy. Take the high road, choose your technologies, remain nimble and
>> good luck to you.
>> -Alex
>> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>> Behalf Of Robert Thompson
>> Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 3:50 PM
>> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
>> Cc: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
>> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] OpenLaszlo.org supports Flex, Silverlight, AJAX,
>> soon Quicktime, and also DHTML and W3C
>> If you would just read your own comments you'd realize I'm posting
>> objectively and angering just the few of you.
>> I'm thankful to the posters the other day who said, essentially, if you're
>> not interested don't read it.
>> If your thankful to get some information to get to the root of the matter,
>> look into it.
>> I spent $1,777 on FLEX 3.0 with ILOG Elixr, and a lot more on Master
>> Suite.
>> So don't tell me I don't have the right to question the money I've spent
>> and
>> the time invested, and cut my losses, and simply make others aware that >> there is a "War of the RIAs going on" and if you care to look into it,
>> here's an article on it,
>> http://counternotions.com/2007/11/15/apple-runtime-answer-2/
>> I have asked questions about coding. But I'm also looking for the
>> stability
>> of the platform. I pushed very hard from someone to step up and create an >> OpenGL framework, and although I'm sure there are others, I was one of
>> them,
>> rooting for Adobe, and Macromedia developers like Matt Chotin and a few
>> others appreciated it.
>> Most of these responses are just anger letting out....it's the nature of
>> the
>> game when posting a controversial warning about the coding your doing and >> it's value 2 years from now when nearly everything can be done (I estimate >> 80% of what is commonly done in eCommerce, will be done using Scene7.com,
>> not a FLEX developer earning a living).
>> Fyi, I made no claim that OpenLaszlo.org is a new effort, it's in version
>> 4,
>> but what is happening in version 4i is newer.
>> Throw the chip on your shoulder at someone else; I'm trying to warn some
>> of
>> those out there that may blindly make the same mistakes I made in my 20's
>> by
>> blindly trusting Microsoft and believing being chosen for an event to >> showcase my product was a good thing, an endorsement. It wasn't. It was a
>> precursor for a patent.
>> Try to take the emotions out of this with the words like "Crap" and such.
>> -r
>> On Friday, August 29, 2008, at 03:01PM, "Michael Schmalle"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I take your hand and walk through fiery hell in hopes the Mr. Person might
>>>be exorcised.
>>>On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 5:59 PM, Doug McCune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> God forgive me, for I have sinned. I am responding to a thread I know >>>> I absolutely should not have replied to. Sorry for encouraging the >>>> ranting, I just couldn't not reply when this amazing email came into >>>> my inbox. Robert, I'll address each paragraph one at a time and tell
>>>> you exactly why this message, as well as the ones you have been
>>>> sending in the last day or so, are in fact complete spam and worthy of
>>>> the comments you have received.
>>>> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Robert Thompson
>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<plasmaphonic%40mac.com>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > OpenLaszlo.org supports Flex, Flash, Silverlight, AJAX, soon Quicktime
>>>> Simply incorrect. OpenLaszlo has been around for years and has always
>>>> targeted both the Flash runtime and AJAX. That's what it does and
>>>> that's what it has always done. You write an app and you can target
>>>> Flash or DHTML. There it no support for Silverlight, there is no
>>>> "support" for Flex (what woudl that even mean?), I don't know what you
>>>> are suggesting when you claim they "support" Quicktime but that
>>>> doesn't even make sense. If you are going to make wild claims please >>>> back them up with references so we can verify. I also want to point >>>> out that this sentence and only one other short sentence later in this >>>> message (also completely factually incorrect) are the only two parts >>>> of this email that have anything at all to do with the subject of this
>>>> thread.
>>>> > First of all to the gentlemen suggesting I'm slamming the list. I am
>>>> > not
>>>> and I take offense at that. Don't accuse me when I am responding to
>>>> someone
>>>> else. I posted only 2 original posts and they were in the best interest
>>>> of
>>>> the [flexcoders] community, some agreed, some did not. Do not accuse me
>>>> of
>>>> spamming unless you are from Adobe and moderating this list.
>>>> This has nothing to do with the topic you posted. If you have a gripe >>>> about someone's reply then reply to that. By creating a new thread and >>>> filling it with completely unrelated paragraphs like this you are in
>>>> fact spamming the list.
>>>> > Second of all, I've been continuing to research this, and have a
>>>> > simple
>>>> answer to the "Runtime Wars" that are very real and goign on and are a
>>>> part
>>>> of the acquisition of Scene7 which DIRECTLY RELATES TO FLEXCODERS. Don't >>>> question, Mr. Person who accuses me of spamming, my motives when I'm
>>>> trying
>>>> to get to the bottom of this.
>>>> Completely unrelated to the subject you posted.
>>>> > Thirdly, OpenLazlo.org has also scene the shifting going on in the >>>> industry between Silverlight and Flex/Swf, Quicktime SDK, and others and
>>>> has
>>>> begun and open source solution. So there you have it. Do not accuse me
>>>> and
>>>> get aggressive without doing your own research.
>>>> Again, OpenLazlo has been around for years, I assume most people on >>>> this list know about it. And even if not this post does not provide >>>> any new information whatsoever, and instead only provides misleading
>>>> and factual incorrect information.
>>>> > I'm in this to better our investments in time and money (for those who >>>> care about it). If you continue to defame me with an accusation of
>>>> Spamming
>>>> you better back it up with an Original Posting by me that is off topic.
>>>> I
>>>> am
>>>> not Spamming, and if you feel I have, show me, and If it's true I will
>>>> stop
>>>> it. But I intend to get to the bottom of this legally or otherwise.
>>>> Fine, cheers, have fun. But this post does not have any information >>>> regarding the topic you posted, so please keep the personal monologues
>>>> under wraps unless you are talking about something. You want an
>>>> original posting that is off-topic? THIS ONE.
>>>> > EVERYONE BE AN INDIVIDUAL: Don't let anyone sucker you into thinking
>>>> > for
>>>> you. Do your own research and look to OpenLaszlo.org which appears to be
>>>> a
>>>> noble effort recognizing the struggles going on in Adobe with the
>>>> resignation of the CEO last Fall.
>>>> Again, OpenLazlo is not new. It has nothing to do with the Adobe CEO
>>>> at all. Do your own research before spamming with incorrect
>>>> information please.
>>>> > [flexcoders] should be aware that they have multiple options and One >>>> blasted person trying to tape my mouth shut by claiming I'm spamming had >>>> better be from Adobe and not just another developer trying to cut-down
>>>> free
>>>> speech that IS ON TOPIC WITH THE FUTURE of our Investment in Time and
>>>> Money.
>>>> Do any of us want to waste 4 years only to find out it was for not?
>>>> I don't think anyone is denying there are multiple options, we're just >>>> saying that you going off on long rants without any information of
>>>> substance is getting annoying.
>>>> > If you claim I'm spamming the list by providing a URL, my URL earlier >>>> posted was so I could present the research I'm doing w/o posting to this
>>>> group and offending people like you who just get in the way.
>>>> No, we're claiming you're spamming the list by messages exactly like
>>>> these.
>>>> > I like the earlier posting of the individual lady who said, let it
>>>> > live,
>>>> or feed it. The comments thereafter were uneeded and more contrary to
>>>> the
>>>> policies of polite procedure of this group than trying to inform.
>>>> others.
>>>> I've been there, I've been screwed by a large company who did a very
>>>> similar
>>>> thing that is happening now; so if you don't want to listen, skip the
>>>> posting and stop accusing me.
>>>> God, I really wanted to skip it, I just couldn't... it's a weakness of
>>>> mine, I have a hard time letting ridiculousness pass by without
>>>> calling it out. You, my friend, are being ridiculous.
>>>Teoti Graphix, LLC
>>>Teoti Graphix Blog
>>>You can find more by solving the problem then by 'asking the question'.

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