I am developing an application using the cairngorm framework. The 
following is a descripton of how I have been using cairngorm according 
to what I have gleemed from the documentation and from my own usage. 
The framework suggests that you use ViewStacks in combination with 
constants and variables that hold the selectedIndex of the viewstack, 
which are then bound to the ViewStack itself.  When an application gets 
very large, with many views, nested views and the need for hybrid views 
that require complex combinations of viewstack indexes this becomes 
very hard to maintain and also to make neccesary changes. For instance, 
if a container changes its location in a viewstack, it is very 
dependant on the variables stored in other files which becomes a 
tedious process to change.  Also, the framework doesn't handle very 
well when a view needs to be instantiated in different ways when it is 
presented to the user.  If this is wrong please correct me, because I 
feel like there must be a better way.  If anyone knows a better way to 
deal with many views (whether using cairngorm or some other solution) 
please let me know what that is.  Thanks. 

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