"Dia menilai orang yang ahli di bidang TI pun juga lebih menyukai
pekerjaan yang fleksibel tidak terikat pada satu perusahaan, sehingga
mereka lebih memilih bergabung dengan perusahaan jasa alih daya.
Mereka bisa mengerjakan beberapa proyek sekaligus dan dari berbagai

Gampang banget mengambil penilaian seperti itu. Orang IT juga kan
manusia emang berhubungan ama komputer sama tetek bengeknya bikin
orang IT jadi robot gitu. Ya ngga begitulah orang IT juga pengen donk
kerja kantoran di satu perusahaan kayak orang2 lain yang kerjanya
rutin. Ini kembali ke masing2 individu orang IT ada yang senang tidak
terikat ada yang lebih merasa nyaman kalau terikat. Dia beropini
begitu karena memang punya perusahaan outsourcing. Coba kalau dia jadi
orang IT kayak kita2 disini, mungkin pendapatnya lain. Justru gara2
makin banyaknya perusahaan2 outsourcing seperti ini orang2 IT yg
menginginkan pekerjaan full time jadi lebih sulit dibanding dulu.
Hidup tergantung kontrak kerja, kalau masa kontrak udah mo abis belum
ada kejelasan bikin stress, blm kalau udah berkeluarga.

Mungkin berbeda dengan perusahaan yg bergerak sebagai Konsultan IT,
karena mereka mempekerjakan tenaga IT untuk ditugaskan apabila ada
proare not displayed in menuItem
> Hi All
> I am made custom component(TestComponent) which extends Panel and shown
> menu at start up. Code is very very simple but i do not know why the menu
> icons are not displayed. Any pointers are highly appreciated. See the code
> below and i have also attached code files as attachement.
> Thanks
> Rajan
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; layout="absolute"
> xmlns:local="*">
> <local:TestComponent width="100%" height="100%">
> </local:TestComponent>
> </mx:Application>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *package*
> {
> *import* flash.events.Event;
> *import* mx.containers.Panel;
> *import* mx.controls.Menu;
> *import* mx.events.FlexEvent;
> *public* *class* *TestComponent* *extends* Panel
> {
> *public* *var* myMenu:Menu;
> [*Embed*(source=*"assets/icon_help.gif"*)]
> *public* *var* imgdeleteClass:Class;
> [*Embed*(source=*"assets/button_edit.gif"*)]
> *public* *var* imgeditClass:Class;
> *public* *var* myMenuData:XML=<menu>
> <menuitem label="Edit" eventName="copy" icon="imgdeleteClass" />
> <menuitem label="Delete" eventName="paste" icon="imgdeleteClass"/>
> </menu>;
> *public* *function* TestComponent()
> {
> *    super*();
>     addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE,showMenufunction);
> }
> *public* *function* showMenufunction(event:Event=*null*):*void*
> {
> *if*(myMenu == *null*)
> {
> myMenu=Menu.createMenu(*this*, myMenuData,*false*);
> myMenu.iconField=*"@icon"*;
> myMenu.labelField=*"@eventName"*;
> myMenu.show(200,200);
> }
> }
> }
> }
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "flexcoders@yahoogroups.com" <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 1:09:59 AM
> Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Icons are not displayed in menuItem
> I think it should just be ( no curlys ):
> <mx:XML id="myMenuData">
>          <root>
>              <menuitem label="MenuItem 1" eventName="copy"
> icon="imgdeleteClass"/>
>              <menuitem label="MenuItem 2" eventName="paste"
> icon="imgeditClass"/>
>          </root>
>      </mx:XML>
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com [mailto:flexcoders@ yahoogroups. com]
> *On Behalf Of *Rajan Jain
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 13, 2008 8:55 PM
> *To:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com
> *Subject:* [flexcoders] Icons are not displayed in menuItem
> Hi All
> I am trying to display icon in the menu. I am using example from livedocs
> language reference. I have added
> icon attribute to dataprovider
> myMenu.iconField="@icon"
> but icons are not displayed.
> Any pointers are highly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Rajan
> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
> --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
> --------- --------- -----
> Complete Source Code-
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!-- Simple example to demonstrate the Menu control. -->
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe. com/2006/ 
> mxml"><http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml>
>      <mx:Script>
>          <![CDATA[
>              import mx.controls. Menu;
>              import mx.events.MenuEvent ;
>              import mx.controls. Alert;
>              impo! rt flash.geom.Point;
>     [Bindable]
>     [Embed(source="assets/icon_ help.gif")]
>         public var imgdeleteClass: Class;
>     [Bindable]
>     [Embed(source="assets/button_ edit.gif")]
>         public var imgeditClass: Class;
>              private var point1:Point = new Point();
>              private var myMenu:Menu;
>              // Create and display the Menu control.
>              private function showMenu():void {
>                  myMenu= Menu.createMenu( panel, myMenuData, false);
>                  myMenu.labelField="@label"
>                  myMenu.iconField="@icon";
>                  myMenu.addEventList ener("itemClick", menuHandler) ;
>                  // Calculate position of Menu in Application' s
> coordinates.
>                  point1.x=mybutton. x;
>                  point1.y=mybutton. y;
>                  point1=mybutton. localToGlobal( point1);
>                  myMenu.show( point1.x + 25, point1.y + 25);
>              }
>              // Event handler for the Menu control's change event.
>              private function menuHandler( event:MenuEvent) :void  {
>                  Alert.show("Label: " + event.item.@ label, "Clicked menu
> item");
>              }
>          ]]>
>      </mx:Script>
>      <mx:XML id="myMenuData">
>          <root>
>              <menuitem label="MenuItem 1" eventName="copy"
> icon="{imgdeleteClass}"/>
>              <menuitem label="MenuItem 2" eventName="paste"
> icon="{imgeditClass}"/>
>          </root>
>      </mx:XML>
>      <mx:Panel id="panel" title="Menu Control Example" height="75%"
> width="75%"
>          paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10">
>          <mx:Label width="100%" color="blue"
>             text="Click the button to open the Menu control."/>
>          <mx:Button id="mybutton" label="Open Menu" click="showMenu();"/>
>      </mx:Panel>
> </mx:Application>

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