Once again, I've hit a roadblock with Flex for something that should
be easy as pie.

Here's the problem: I'm loading in an XML feed from Flickr, a list of
photoset IDs.  There's nothing wrong or unusual about the XML document.  

I load the XML into an ArrayCollection, and can view all the data just
fine, except the ONE element I need... the ID number.  Flex is
screwing it up somehow.

For example, the ID number in the XML file looks like this:

However, when Flex returns the ID number, it becomes: 72157607109678350

Every ID is changed like that, but it's not consistent.  The first
one, 4 is added to the ID.  In the next, 12 is subtracted.  No rhyme
or reason.

What Flex is doing to this number or why it's doing it escapes me. 
I've tried copying the XML file locally and appending the ID with a
character... it then comes across fine.  So Flex thinks the ID is some
kind of number datatype, and manipulating it somehow. 

Any idea how to make Flex cut that out?

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