That's crazy :) Can you post a small piece of the xml?


On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 9:09 PM, cjsutherland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Once again, I've hit a roadblock with Flex for something that should
> be easy as pie.
> Here's the problem: I'm loading in an XML feed from Flickr, a list of
> photoset IDs. There's nothing wrong or unusual about the XML document.
> I load the XML into an ArrayCollection, and can view all the data just
> fine, except the ONE element I need... the ID number. Flex is
> screwing it up somehow.
> For example, the ID number in the XML file looks like this:
> 72157607109678346
> However, when Flex returns the ID number, it becomes: 72157607109678350
> Every ID is changed like that, but it's not consistent. The first
> one, 4 is added to the ID. In the next, 12 is subtracted. No rhyme
> or reason.
> What Flex is doing to this number or why it's doing it escapes me.
> I've tried copying the XML file locally and appending the ID with a
> character... it then comes across fine. So Flex thinks the ID is some
> kind of number datatype, and manipulating it somehow.
> Any idea how to make Flex cut that out?

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