
There's no .equals() in actionscript unless you implement it yourself.
Without hearing more about the context, it's hard to tell whether
Jitendra's data binding solution would work for this specific problem
(data binding would effectively set the list selection to an object that
is not in the list--I'm not sure what happens there), but you might run
into a need for .equals() further down the line. We did, and since all
of our VOs inherit from one VO base object, we just implement .equals()
in these as necessary. It seems rather horrifying that there's
no .equals() at first, but you don't really need it that often...

Maciek Sakrejda
Truviso, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: frank_sommers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [flexcoders] Java-like equals() method?
Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 02:54:18 -0000


I've been searching for a good solution to implementing object equality.
I'm familiar with 
ObjectUtil, etc., but it still makes things harder than they should be. 

It may be best to illustrate this with an example. Suppose I have a
ComboBox with an 
ArrayCollection as a data provider. The ArrayCollection is populated
with value objects 
from the server, e.g., User objects. Suppose that I have a Task class,
and a Task may 
have an assignedToUser property, which is a User instance. When the
someone selects a 
Task (say, in a master-detail view), I would like the ComboBox to set
its selectedItem to 
the user for the given Task, i.e., combBox.selectedItem =

The problem is that no Task in the ComboBox's data provider and the
assignedToUser property are ever equal using the == or === operators. 

So I would like to implement a custom equality for User, and have the
ComboBox use that 
to set its selectedItem to the specified user. In Java, this is easily
done by overriding the 
equals() and hashCode() methods of User. 

Any suggestions on how to achieve something similar in Flex would be
much appreciated.


-- Frank 


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