Thanks for the replies. 

Well, Jitendra's solution worked only when I created a ComboBox subclass that 
did take a 
special equals() (based on the value of a property named "id") into account. 
Basically, I 
overrode the selectedItem property in this subclass. 

I think equals() and hashCode() are absolutely important, and I find that it's 
a pain that 
Flex doesn't have them: In collection contains() methods, selecting items in 
controls, etc., 
an equals() semantic is really important. There are many duplicate objects that 
semantically equivalent in RIA clients, and without well-defined semantics for 
equality I'm 
finding that I have to implement this sort of logic in components myself. 

Any chance that this may be addressed in forthcoming Flex versions?


-- Frank

--- In, Maciek Sakrejda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frank,
> There's no .equals() in actionscript unless you implement it yourself.
> Without hearing more about the context, it's hard to tell whether
> Jitendra's data binding solution would work for this specific problem
> (data binding would effectively set the list selection to an object that
> is not in the list--I'm not sure what happens there), but you might run
> into a need for .equals() further down the line. We did, and since all
> of our VOs inherit from one VO base object, we just implement .equals()
> in these as necessary. It seems rather horrifying that there's
> no .equals() at first, but you don't really need it that often...
> -- 
> Maciek Sakrejda
> Truviso, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: frank_sommers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] Java-like equals() method?
> Date: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 02:54:18 -0000
> Hi, 
> I've been searching for a good solution to implementing object equality.
> I'm familiar with 
> ObjectUtil, etc., but it still makes things harder than they should be. 
> It may be best to illustrate this with an example. Suppose I have a
> ComboBox with an 
> ArrayCollection as a data provider. The ArrayCollection is populated
> with value objects 
> from the server, e.g., User objects. Suppose that I have a Task class,
> and a Task may 
> have an assignedToUser property, which is a User instance. When the
> someone selects a 
> Task (say, in a master-detail view), I would like the ComboBox to set
> its selectedItem to 
> the user for the given Task, i.e., combBox.selectedItem =
> myUser.assignedToUser.
> The problem is that no Task in the ComboBox's data provider and the
> User's 
> assignedToUser property are ever equal using the == or === operators. 
> So I would like to implement a custom equality for User, and have the
> ComboBox use that 
> to set its selectedItem to the specified user. In Java, this is easily
> done by overriding the 
> equals() and hashCode() methods of User. 
> Any suggestions on how to achieve something similar in Flex would be
> much appreciated.
> Thanks, 
> -- Frank

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