I can say ANT is your answer, build the SWC using it. I have very complex
libraries, and all I maintain is a simple ant xml included file (that is
imported from the master build file, this includes multiple project library
builds at once) that lists the front end class clients, the linker resolves
the rest.

This way you can checkout and commit these files in collaboration.


On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 11:41 AM, diehlryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Does anyone else find it annoying that you must explicitly specify the
> classes that are included in your library project via the Flex Library
> Build Path? This is especially annoying in a team environment when
> someone else adds a new class, and I have to explicitly add it in
> order to get a successful compilation. (I won't even go into the
> issues I have with the compiler).
> If you look at how Eclipse handles this, you specify a source folder
> and then can optionally specify anything that should be excluded from
> compilation. This way, you can just say "my code is here" and it
> picks up everything unless you tell it not to.
> Even if the compiler needs to know exactly which files to use, I think
> a nice feature would be to automatically generate that
> flexLibProperties file for you.

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