Hi all i have written a simple flex applcation and i am using a Caringorm 
In my command class i am parsing a xml response and cretating about 100 value 
object  and iam adding these object in a ArrayCollection which is bind to some 
gird . when i enters in execute method i explicitly remove each object from 
collection like this

for( var k:int = 0 ; k < model.objArrCollModelsVO.length ;k++ ) 


    var obj:Object = model.objArrCollModelsVO.removeItemAt( k );

    trace( "GOing to Remove " + obj.name );

    obj = null ;


but these are objects are not garbage collected and remians in memory can any 
one tell how to resolve this problem b/c  my application is getting very slow 
if  my commnd class runs more than 6 times  Or any one can send some good 
tutorial about Garbage collection in Flex

Thanks in Advance

Parkash ARjan...

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