--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, bjorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I experienced some problems with ArrayCollection's removeItemAt(). 
It seemed
> to work... randomly.
> Tucked away in the documentation i found this little gem:
> "Note: If you use the ICollectionView interface to sort or filter a
> collection, do not use the IList interface to manipulate the data, 
> the results are indeterminate."
> My problem, of course, was that I had a sort on the ac, and that I 
> IList's removeItemAt().
> I don't understand the rationale behind this, maybe someone can 
explain to
> me why it's difficult to implement removeItemAt() on a
> sorted ArrayCollection ... I mean, I _am_ working with sorted data 
here, so
> when I say index 11 I mean index 11 on the sorted data. That's the 
data I
> see, that's the data I'm using, I don't need to know anything about 
> underlying Array and the element's _real index_ ....the  
> knows which element this refers to in the underlying Array, so there
> shouldn't be a problem ...?
> Anyway, given the restraints we're working with here - what is the 
best way
> to approach this? I need to be able to remove items from a sorted
> ArrayCollection - any best practices?

I usually use either a one or more other ArrayCollections or  
ListCollectionViews with a pointer to the same data to do filtering 
and sorting on.  Although often that's just because I want to 
preserve the original order as much as anything.

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