If you send the data to the server, create the Excel file there, then
send the result back to Flex, you will have the full power of the
numerous server-side Excel file creation methods at your disposal. If
you want the chart in Excel to look the same as it looks in Flex then
you might have to convert it to a bitmap first. Either that or
recreate the chart on the server. If all you need is a simple
copy/paste solution, then the method Paul mentioned would be easier to

-Mike Chabot

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 1:13 PM, sailorsea21 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone, is it possible to export to Excel?
> If I have a chart or a datagrid, is it possible to export it to
> Microsoft Excel?
> Thanks.
> -David.

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