Anyone used Parsley MVC? I'm a bit confused by it.

There's the standard MVC FrontController class, which exposes a method
dispatchEvent() for app-wide notifications. It also has a concept of
interceptors which is nice... so far so good.

BUT... that dispatchEvent() call executes *synchronously*. Control
won't return to your code until *every single listener* to that event
finishes executing!! In a single-threaded environment like Flash
Player, I would have thought this to be a disastrous design
decision... can anyone shed any light on this, as I'm sure there's
something I'm missing here!


PS another thing I haven't figured out yet is how to inject
dependencies into a View component... it seems Parsley can only inject
into objects that have been created in the Parsley config file ... and
because View components are instantiated by the Flex framework, from
what I can tell Parsley has no way to reference them... this has the
unpleasant side-effect of requiring all my View code to access the
FrontController directly through the FrontController.root static

In fact, the FrontController class is bugging me -- it is a concrete
class with no abstract interface I can code to. It's making me nervous
about lock-in to the Parsley framework.

Kinda goes against the whole IoC thing, no?

PPS And yeah, I will post this to the Parsley forums, but I want the
esteemed opinion of those on this list too!

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