> BUT... that dispatchEvent() call executes *synchronously*.

That's always the case with Flash/Flex.


On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 7:49 AM, Jules Suggate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone used Parsley MVC? I'm a bit confused by it.
> There's the standard MVC FrontController class, which exposes a method
> dispatchEvent() for app-wide notifications. It also has a concept of
> interceptors which is nice... so far so good.
> BUT... that dispatchEvent() call executes *synchronously*. Control
> won't return to your code until *every single listener* to that event
> finishes executing!! In a single-threaded environment like Flash
> Player, I would have thought this to be a disastrous design
> decision... can anyone shed any light on this, as I'm sure there's
> something I'm missing here!
> TIA,
> +J
> PS another thing I haven't figured out yet is how to inject
> dependencies into a View component... it seems Parsley can only inject
> into objects that have been created in the Parsley config file ... and
> because View components are instantiated by the Flex framework, from
> what I can tell Parsley has no way to reference them... this has the
> unpleasant side-effect of requiring all my View code to access the
> FrontController directly through the FrontController.root static
> property.
> In fact, the FrontController class is bugging me -- it is a concrete
> class with no abstract interface I can code to. It's making me nervous
> about lock-in to the Parsley framework.
> Kinda goes against the whole IoC thing, no?
> PPS And yeah, I will post this to the Parsley forums, but I want the
> esteemed opinion of those on this list too!

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