I have a statePicker component that I created.  If I try to pass a value to the statePicker, then the comboBox will display the proper label for the data I passed in.  For example,
this line of code will display Massachusetts in the comboBox.
<StatePicker id="state" width="200" statePassedIn="MA" />
What I really need to do is bind the data to the variable, statePassedIn.  I have successfully bound data to a custom component before with no trouble, but for some reason cannot figure out how to get the data to pass in for the the comboBox.  statePassedIn shows up empty in the statePicker component.  For example,
here is a snippet of what I am trying to do, that won't work.
var test:String;
function onInit() {        //I have determined that this ftn is indeed running properly
    test = "MA";
<StatePicker id="state" width="200" statePassedIn="{test}" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.macromedia.com/2003/mxml" xmlns="*">
    <mx:Model id="statesModel" source="data/states.xml"/>
        var selectedItem:Object;
  public var src;
  var _statePassedIn;
  function set statePassedIn(src) {
   _statePassedIn = src;
  private function setInitialItem():Boolean
    var items:Array = mx.utils.ArrayUtil.toArray(statesModel.state);
   var dataValueInit:String = _statePassedIn;
     var dataValueCur:String;
   for ( var i:Number=0; i<items.length; i++ )  {  //loop over the items in the dataProvider
       dataValueCur = items[i].data;  //get the current item.data value
       if ( dataValueCur == dataValueInit )  {  //compare desired value to current item.data value
     stateComboBox.selectedIndex = i;  //set the seletedIndex of the combo box
        return true;
     }//for ( var i:Number=0;....
     return false;
   <mx:ComboBox id="stateComboBox" dataProvider="{statesModel.state}" labelField="name" width="{this.width}"

Please help,



Kim Reddington
Principal Consultant/Developer
Deluxe Technologies


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