Waht server are you using ? Java ?
if so I can dig up an old project form flex2

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Dan Vega" <danv...@...> wrote:
> I am building a full featured file explorer and I am stuck on one 
part of
> the application. On the left hand side I will have a base root 
> (root) and a listing of all directories that fall under it (no 
end). When
> you click on a folder they will show up in the datagrid to the 
right. My
> question is actually 2 parts.
> 1.) What approach should I take. Do I make one call to my server 
and build
> the entire folder structure, then return either and arraycollection 
> xmllistcollection or should I just grab the list of directories and 
show an
> arrow next to directories with sub directories indicating that 
there are sub
> directories. When you click on that folder make another call to the 
> to grab that sub directory list and so on.
> 2.) The second part of the question is i heard that If I am going 
to be
> updating this collection (deleting / adding / renaming directories) 
that I
> should be using an ArrayCollection. The question is when I have 
data like
> there is below, how do I break it down into parent/child nodes?  
> example I have seen of the tree always uses xml as the data and in 
> examples its clear how to break down child / parent relationships.
> ** Any help on this how to move forward with this would be great 
help **
>       [0] (Object)#3
>         Attributes = ""
>         DateLastModified = Sat Nov 1 13:21:02 GMT-0400 2008
>         Directory = "H:\JRun4"
>         hasDirs = 0
>         Mode = ""
>         Name = "bin"
>         Path = "H:\JRun4\bin"
>         Size = 0
>         Type = "Dir"
>       [1] (Object)#4
>         Attributes = ""
>         DateLastModified = Fri Aug 3 21:55:23 GMT-0400 2007
>         Directory = "H:\JRun4"
>         hasDirs = 1
>         Mode = ""
>         Name = "docs"
>         Path = "H:\JRun4\docs"
>         Size = 0
>         Type = "Dir"
> Thank You
> Dan Vega
> danv...@...
> http://www.danvega.org

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