i used Europa  to run flex on ubuntu  , it is OK,  i guess the problem was 
caused your eclipse version. 
i didn't try to setup fb on Ganymede.  


From: Tyler Kocheran <rfkroc...@gmail.com>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2008 6:54:28 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Tons of errors using FlexBuilder on Ubuntu

Now, before I start, I know that FlexBuilder Linux is in beta still and a lot 
of stuff isn't working. With that said, I'm experiencing a lot of problems that 
I don't think other people are experiencing.

I'm using Ubuntu as my OS, and Ganymede for my Eclipse version with Flash 
Player 10 release version. (I can't seem to install Flash 10 Debug Players, 
does anyone know how to do that on Ubuntu?) When I try to compile my 
application, it launches fine (when i "Run" it, not when I "Debug" it. 
Debugging doesn't work because I don't have a debug player installed.) However, 
I'm getting nothing when it runs, just a big blue application that does 
nothing. I can't visually add anything to the display list, I can't log 
anything out to Arthropod, I basically can't do anything. 

When I try to embed my application via SWFObject, that's no working either. I 
get the alternative content every time. 

Now here are my questions, I'm going to try and discover the answers ASAP for 
them, but if you know anything, could you help me out? 
Does FlexBuilder for Linux need to be installed on a Europa release?
Does FlexBuilder for Linux require you to use Flash Player 9 release and debug 
Will using the Flex ant tasks resolve some of the problems I'm having?

Any help is much appreciated! Merry Christmas, everyone!
http://ubuntuforums .org/showthread. php?p=6432138# post6432138

- TK

And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep;
for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.


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