Thanks, I should be more clear.

The dataProvider would be like a Tree's, so for example an array where some
of the elements are leaves (-> buttons in the bar) and some are arrays (->
dropdown lists in the bar) (no deeper arrays, and no folder names).  I want
the user to be able to choose a single leaf item from the set, either by
clicking one of the buttons or by choosing an item in one of the dropdown


On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 2:31 AM, Manish Jethani <>wrote:

>   On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 5:46 AM, Alan Shaw 
> <<>>
> wrote:
> > Requesting advice on how to get started making this custom component.
> A combo box is not exactly a button, so my first question is, how is
> this "ToggleButtonBar with ComboBox" going to behave exactly?
> Manish

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