Hi all,

I'm working on an online training project and am using a panel to host an
accordian. Each child area in the accordian contains a tree that I populate
with XML data. The panel serves as a navigation menu.

After I added all the components to the panel and then the code to make it
work, I noticed that the panel no longer looks like it's default two tone
layout. Instead, it's all one color: white. I added some mxml attributes to
round the corners and set alpha, but none of these have any effect. I
changed to a TitleWindow component so the menu would be movable and it was
movable for awhile. When I added code to control visibility of this
navigation menu (it's visibility is toggled on and off via a Menu button),
the component stopped being movable and is now stuck in one location.

Ordinarily, I'd just say these are buggy components. Why would adding code
to control visibility affect whether or not I can move it around the screen?
But I don't see any posts on this list about these kinds of obvious bugs, so
there must be something I am doing wrong. I'm using Flex Builder 3
standalone and I've added the XML Buddy plugin. I'm testing in IE7 because
that's what the client uses.

If you want to see this really ugly TitleWindow component, it's at
http://www.suddeninsight.net/WFTW/ ... click the Menu button at the bottom
left to see the abomination. I'd be willing to make the source code
available if someone wanted to look at it too.

But I sure do need some help here. I hope one or more of you have seen these
kinds of problems and know what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance!

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