Man! I'm a classic case of standing too close to the tree to see the


--- In, "oneworld95" <oneworl...@...> wrote:
> Try the handy labelFunction on the column. The underlying value is
> still there; you just display it differently. In the labelFunction,
> just parse out the (*) string and return the rest.
> -Alex
> --- In, "aphexyuri" <yurivssr@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi guys
> > 
> > I'm dealing with an advanced datagrid, that has numerous fields. Each
> > field has a search control as header renderer. The header control's
> > values are used in the arraycollection's filterFunction.
> > 
> > Some fields have two values, eg: 155 (160), representing typical value
> > (guaranteed value). My client doesn't want the guaranteed value
> > displayed, but the data needs to be available for the filterFunction.
> > 
> > Can anyone suggest a good way of dealing with this...making the "()"
> > value invisible, yet having it available to the arraycollection's
> > filterFunction?
> > 
> > Any suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated...
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Yuri
> >

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