No idea, new territory for me. I¹m just going on what I¹ve found in the
documentation and the options shown when creating a new project.

Lets switch the topic slightly: How would you go about creating an
application where the server data is handled by someone else and you have
very little to no control of it. You pretty much have to deal with what they
provide. It¹s an server with a preference to delivering XML data.
There is a slight chance we could use SOAP/web services. We¹re talking an
industrial setting as well. If you have IT experience in this area you¹ll

I just read a blog on setting up WSDL, anyone have any experience here or
some suggestions?


From: Sam Lai <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 02:58:02 +1100
To: <>
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Installation on multiple machines (was: Flex
Builder 3 on Mac and Win at same time?)


There's no problem with running both versions technically - they are
completely seperate from the app's perspective.

What's the error? And out of curiosity - what does telling FB3 what
server tech you use get you anyway?

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