Thanks Doug,

Yes I have been thinking (the last hour) of using such a representation or 
alternatively of plotting a graph of floating columns, with each column 
starting at min and ending at max, combined with a line graph in a different 
colour showing the averages. BUT (and this is a big but) the client said he was 
not interested in min and max, but rather exceptional values. Although I have 
to take his requirements with a grain of salt sometimes it does pay to listen 
to him - he is the client! :)

The exceptions may be a single solitary value or a series of values. So, if I 
were to grab the points that within each sample are 1 or 2 std deviations 
outside the normal then I wont always have these points - so they may just be 
the odd value. Hence using floating columns to display these seems to make 


  -----Original Message-----
  From: []on Behalf 
Of Doug McCune
  Sent: Friday, 30 January 2009 12:34 p.m.
  Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Charting 1 minute data over 1 year

  What if you aggregate your data by some amount (say the maximum resolution 
you can display on the x-axis), and then for each data point you plot the min, 
max, and average, kind of like the HLOCChart that's used to show stock data. 
That would let you see the average trend as well as identify any peaks or 
valleys that were out of the ordinary. So then the task involves being able to 
efficiently take 500,000 points and turn it into 2,000 aggregated points with 

  Or even just do 3 completely separate line series for the min, max, and avg. 
There's only so much information you can show in a single horizontal pixel, so 
there's simply no way to show all the data. But showing min/max/avg might get 
you the info you need.


  On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Maciek Sakrejda <> 

    How about, on the main graph, showing the raw data as limited by the
    slider, but on the slider, show points that average over some period of
    time, combined with a separate series for outlying points (those outside
    1 or 2 standard deviations from the mean)?

    This gives you an overview of the general trends, a quick indication of
    outliers, and an ability to zoom in on any single section fairly easily.

    Maciek Sakrejda
    Truviso, Inc.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mark Easton <>

    Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Charting 1 minute data over 1 year
    Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 12:16:16 +1300


    Hi Maciek,

    Thanks for your response. 

    Yes I have seen that example and I liked it. We still need to contend,
    though, with having 500,000 values to plot for the full graph. Using
    standard graphing that takes for ever to plot - in fact I could not get
    it to plot. 2000 values seems to the maximum number of points that can
    be plotted, or to be exact the number of pixels available on x-axis. So
    how can I take 500,000 points and :

    1. Producre a graph that as closely as possible retains its shape?
    2. Shows exceptional values

    If I were to massage the 500,000 points by taking sample of 250 points
    and averaging them, then I can miss important detail. I could use a
    vertical column graph with floating columns, where I plotted the line
    starting at min and ending at max for the plot point.

    Furthermore as the user used the slider to look at a smaller portion of
    the graph I would still want to plot at maximum pixel detail. That is if
    the user uses the slider to look at 1 month then that would allow me to
    plot points where each point was calculated from a smaller sample size.


    -----Original Message-----
    []on Behalf Of Maciek Sakrejda
    Sent: Friday, 30 January 2009 11:21 a.m.
    Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Charting 1 minute data over 1 year

    Have you suggested a thumbnail slider solution à la Google
    Finance (say,
    like here:
 )? We've implemented something similar, and it works quite well. I can't share 
our implementation, but the example I linked has source.
    Maciek Sakrejda
    Truviso, Inc.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mark Easton <>
    To: Flexcoders <>
    Subject: [flexcoders] Charting 1 minute data over 1 year
    Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:04:42 +1300


    I am trying to work out how best to produce a chart which allows
    a user
    make sense of data logged every minute for up to 12 months (ie
    values). To complicate matters the graphs are are presented on a
    where the user can display many graphs at once - so we are not
    displaying the one graph and the size of the graph will change
    how many graphs are being displayed in the dashboard window.

    We are logging sensor data (temperature, current, vibration,
    speed etc). Client does not like a month, week, day, hour,
    minute drill
    scenario - I tried that and it was rejected. He wants a line
    graph, but
    where we do have to average data would like to some idea of max
    and mins
    maybe that can be done in point comment. Trouble is if we chart
    so many
    points then there are too many points for the mouse click to

    Essentially the client would like to see the data always at
    no matter what period is being looked at. I have read this
    _data_sets, and am thinking that I will need to proceed in kind
    and to
    an Image object and set BitmapData pixels directly - depending
    on how I
    decide to reimplement this thing. Of course I am limited by the
    pixels available along the x-axis for a given chart size.

    This is complicated as the client would like to zoom on the
    graph and
    look at time slices. The client would also like to be able to
    clearly on the graph - for example if there was a vibration
    spike. Also
    sometimes the sensor might not be operational so we need to see
    in the graph when no data was captured.

    All in all I am finding this a complicated requirement to
    unravel, as
    of the requirements seem to be nonsensical - eg having a zoom -
    when the
    client always wants to see maximum detail???

    So, I need to work out a design for this which will best meet
    requirement and which flex can handle.

    Any comments and ideas are appreciated. I am working on this
    as I come up with ideas on how to proceed I will post them here.



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