I'm more then confused! I declare in a class some string constants:

// MyConstants.as
package {
public class MyConstants {
public static const My_CONST:String = "myConst";

In one of my classes i declare a setter, which makes sure only allowed values 
can be 
processed, otherwise the class will throw an error.

// MyClass.as
package {
public class MyClass {
public function set property(value:String):void
if (value != MyConstants.My_CONST)
throw new Error("Ivnalid value passed: " + value);

Now it turns out, that sometimes - in a nondeterministic behaviour - null is 
allthough i pass the constant. How can this be? It can't be a race condition 
since the fields 
should be instantiated at compile time and the can't be null...

Any help? What am i missing? It would really be appreciated!

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