Hello all,
      I was wondering if anyone could recommend some good resources
for components, be they open-source, free, or commercial.  I was
reading Jack Herrington's book "Flex 3: Component Solutions" and I
found a number of interesting components discussed.  I'm looking at
the ones for presenting images, or photo galleries.  In particular I
found these sites useful, afcomponents.com, fxcomponents.com and
digicrafts.com to be useful and as having some great components.
      I'm doing a site for an Art Gallery.  I wanted to find a good
component for displaying photos that would look like presenting photos
of art on a virtual wall, as it were.  Can anyone recommend any good
sites and components.  In particular, if there are other great
open-source components that would be great.
      I found a few Photo book, flexbook type components also.  I
thought there was a freeware, open-source version of this also.

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