Lol, can't begin to imagine how someone worked that out.

2009/2/19 sleblang <>:
> Clearly this is an issue with 64Bit systems. Here's a band-aid
> solution that worked for me and might help others out until a solution
> is implemented.
> from:
> Open Project Properties.
> Click on Resource.
> Resize the properties window making it as thin as it will go.
> Click on Builders and now resize the window nice and wide.
> Click on Flex Build Path and as if by magic the properties are there.
> --- In, "sleblang" <sc...@...> wrote:
>> I am running Vista Home 64Bit and having the above referenced problem.
>> Rather than reinvent the wheel, here's a link that depicts the exact
>> problem along with images -
>> I can open the same project on my work machine and everything is fine.
>> Any help is greatly appreciated!!!!!!
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