Yeah, I know that it has "code completion." Have you used JDT? JDT has *code
completion*. Flex Builder (on Windows, Mac, and Linux) pales in comparison
to the refactoring, auto complete, code suggest, being able to view code
documentation live via JavaDoc (SO HELPFUL!), and code completion of JDT in
Eclipse. While even JDT can be improved, it's pretty much amazing. If Flex
Builder could adapt itself to model after the power features of JDT, it'd be
a much more valuable buy in my mind.

I mean, Flex Builder is built and owned by Adobe, and yet another project,
FDT, features much richer support for ActionScript 3 than Flex Builder does!
FDT is rad, but they're still kind of working on MXML support. All I'm
saying is that we as developers need a really hardcore development platform
that will make our lives easier. FDT does that for ActionScript in so many
ways. Flex Builder does it for Design View, but that's basically it.

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Maciek Sakrejda <>wrote:

>   I'm using it on Ubuntu 8.10 (was on 8.4 and 7.10 before that) and I
> haven't actually hit any code completion problems (except that an error
> pretty much anywhere in your mxml might kill code completion), but "find
> all references" is hopeless (should more accurately be called "find some
> references sometimes maybe"). I haven't really used FB in Windows (or
> Mac, for that matter), so I'm not sure if the situation is better there.
> Still, it's a tremendously useful tool (especially the graphical
> debugger). I certainly hope it makes it out of alpha on Linux
> eventually.
> And to the original poster--yes, go with Europa. We've hit a number of
> problems with Ganymede.
> --
> Maciek Sakrejda
> Truviso, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler Kocheran < <>>
> Reply-To: <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Tons of errors using FlexBuilder on Ubuntu
> Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 10:30:23 -0800
> Is anyone in Adobe still working on Flex Builder Linux? I am using it
> almost every day now, and I can say that I'm really happy with it, at
> least as far as Flex Builder is concerned. Sure there's no design view
> (which I'm still waiting for ;) ), and code completion is only barely
> there, but all in all, I can use it to create Flex applications and that
> rocks. I'm definitely willing to pay the dough to buy a Flex Builder
> license for Linux, should Adobe go ahead and complete it :)
> On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 7:02 AM, Fernando Wermus
> < <>> wrote:
> In my case, it is much worse. I cant even install it. I tried to
> install it with many Eclipses in Ubunt 8.04 in my laptop. The
> fact is that it only runs in Ubuntu 7.04 & 7.10 according to
> Adobe's page. We are thinking to move to Mac definitily, because
> Linux isn't a good bet. Adobe is not really interested in a full
> support.
> Bye!
> On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 2:54 PM, Tyler Kocheran
> < <>> wrote:
> Now, before I start, I know that FlexBuilder Linux is in
> beta still and a lot of stuff isn't working. With that
> said, I'm experiencing a lot of problems that I don't
> think other people are experiencing.
> I'm using Ubuntu as my OS, and Ganymede for my Eclipse
> version with Flash Player 10 release version. (I can't
> seem to install Flash 10 Debug Players, does anyone know
> how to do that on Ubuntu?) When I try to compile my
> application, it launches fine (when i "Run" it, not when
> I "Debug" it. Debugging doesn't work because I don't
> have a debug player installed.) However, I'm getting
> nothing when it runs, just a big blue application that
> does nothing. I can't visually add anything to the
> display list, I can't log anything out to Arthropod, I
> basically can't do anything.
> When I try to embed my application via SWFObject, that's
> no working either. I get the alternative content every
> time.
> Now here are my questions, I'm going to try and discover
> the answers ASAP for them, but if you know anything,
> could you help me out?
> Does FlexBuilder for Linux need to be installed on a
> Europa release?
> Does FlexBuilder for Linux require you to use Flash
> Player 9 release and debug players?
> Will using the Flex ant tasks resolve some of the
> problems I'm having?
> Any help is much appreciated! Merry Christmas, everyone!
> - TK
> --
> And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time
> to awake out of sleep;
> for now our salvation is nearer than when we first
> believed.
> --
> Fernando Wermus.
> --
> And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of
> sleep;
> for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.

And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of
for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.

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