I wonder why there aren't cross-platform open source alternatives for
Flex Builder. Maybe it is usable enough (just) that people aren't
interested? There were a project a while back that tried to implement
an IDE for Flex using Flex itself - that could be quite interesting,
and when combined with AIR and merapi it could be an alternative.
Thinking about it though, it feels like trying to shove a square peg
into a round hole, but so was a lot of the web 2.0 stuff back in the
day :)

I'm currently evaluating FlashDevelop and Tofino (both Windows only)
for my next project - one thing's for sure, both start a hell of a lot
faster than FB.

P.S. lol at the abbreviation expansions - made my day.

2009/2/26 Kelly <dek...@gmail.com>:
> I don't really care enough to try to fix the Alpha one although I guess I
> should check the logs and submit bugs.
> I don't think Adobe cares though.
> I know how you feel about Flexbuilder overall.
> It is pretty useful but it is missing some very useful features that even
> the old Macromedia IDE's had.
> Adobe seems to have forgotton the "Macro" part of Macromedia when they
> bought it.
> While I haven't personally checked the source of every package I run on
> Linux the nature of the system means that quite a few others probably have
> and any dirty deeds would be quickly reported.
> Google is a front company for the NSA/CIA and so I am not anymore worried
> about Google spying on me then I already am about Babylon spying on me.
> The Internet was created by DARPA. It was MindKontrol/Spyware from the
> start.
> I am sure there are NSA backdoors into all OS's so I guess its a pointless
> argument.
> NSA = National Slavery Agency
> DHS = Department of Human Slavery
> CIA = Cocaine Importation Agency
> FEMA = Federal Extermination Management Agency
> DoD = Department of Death
> IRS = It's Really Slavery
> "Babylon we know your secrets"
> Sam Lai wrote:
> 2009/2/26 Kelly <dek...@gmail.com>:
>> I keep trying to use it in Ubuntu but without much success.
>> It crashes a lot. I am using 8.10 though.
> What do the Eclipse logs say? They might help in working out what's
> wrong. Which version of Java are you running as well while you're at
> it. There are various fixes for certain things floating around, but at
> the end of the day you get a hodge-podge version that kind of works
> still.
>> I don't even care about design view.
>> I would be happy if it only had the features it currently has in the
>> Alpha.
> I woulld've strongly missed this initially, but surprisingly, I'm
> beginning to see MXML like HTML and don't even resort to the design
> view anymore (also because it's clunky and slow too in Windows). I'd
> drop Flex Builder any day if it weren't for the lack of serious
> alternatives - its nowhere near the IDE I expected.
>> Who still uses Windoze? Srsly.
>> Windoze is just expensive patented spyware.
>> It spys on you in about 50 different ways.
>> Micro$oft admitted it in their patents.
>> No doubt Macs do the same thing. Just more expensive.
> Right. That makes you super cool spelling Windows and Microsoft that
> way. And I presume you've checked through the source code of every
> component used in your installation of Ubuntu to make sure it isn't
> sending anything either. There are perfectly legitimate reasons for
> collecting such data, and no doubt Ubuntu (and some of the apps
> running on your computer) have a similar program. I'm not trying to
> justify some of the things that Microsoft collect; but just because
> you don't know doesn't mean it isn't there.
> You don't seem to have an issue with Google spying on you via your
> gmail account, your searches and anything else you perform on Google
> sites whilst logged into your Google account...

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