guys i just read up on this and am doing it the same way as the example. here is the example i refered to just to be sure i got this right.
Passing parameters using a form To pass parameters to components using an HTML or ColdFusion form, the names of the client input controls must match the names of the parameter definition in the component file. To pass parameters using a form: 1. Open the corpFind.cfm file and modify the code so that it appears as follows: <h2>Find People and Products</h2> <form action="components/corpQuery.cfc" method="post"> <p>Enter employee's last Name:</p> <input type="Text" name="lastName"> <input type="Hidden" name="method" value="getEmp"> <input type="Submit" title="Submit Query"><br> </form> <form action="components/corpQuery.cfc" method="post"> <p>Enter maximum product price:</p> <input type="Text" name="cost"> <input type="Hidden" name="method" value="getCat"> <input type="Submit" title="Submit Query"> </form> In the example, the form tag action attribute points to the corpQuery component. The input tags invoke the component method. 2. Open corpQuery.cfc and add access="remote" to each cffunction tag, as the following example shows: <cfcomponent> <cffunction name="getEmp" access="remote"> <cfargument name="lastName" required="true"> <cfquery name="empQuery" datasource="ExampleApps" dbtype="ODBC"> SELECT LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, EMAIL FROM tblEmployees WHERE LASTNAME LIKE '#arguments.lastName#' </cfquery> <cfoutput>Results filtered by #arguments.lastName#:</cfoutput><br> <cfdump var=#empQuery#> </cffunction> <cffunction name="getCat" access="remote"> <cfargument name="cost" required="true"> <cfquery name="catQuery" datasource="ExampleApps" dbtype="ODBC"> SELECT ItemName, ItemDescription, ItemCost FROM tblItems WHERE ItemCost <= #arguments.cost# </cfquery> <cfoutput>Results filtered by #arguments.cost#:</cfoutput><br> <cfdump var=#catQuery#> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> In this example, the cffunction access attribute lets remote clients, such as web browsers and Flash applications, to access component methods. this is not different from what am doing the only difference may is that am using a flex form but i think that doesn't matter.