Hello friends, refer following code sniplet
/*********************************************** private function onItemClick(event:ListEvent):void { if ((event.target as List).selectedIndex == 0 ) { RSP_GenFun.Check_N_Add_MDIWindow(mdiArea, (new Form1()), true); } if ((event.target as List).selectedIndex == 1 ) { RSP_GenFun.Check_N_Add_MDIWindow(mdiArea, (new Form2()), true); } } **********************************************/ private function menuSelected(eventObj:MenuTreeSelectionEvent):void { var ClassRef:Class = getDefinitionByName(eventObj.FormName) as Class; mdiArea.windowManager.add(new ClassRef()); } in this code if I remove comment delimiters the code runs fine but with the comments it gives error. The reason I spotted is it could not locate class definitions of Form1 and Form2 mxml custom components. Can somebody guide me how can I achieve this i.e. putting some probably import statement or some other statement. The Form1.MXML and Form2.mxml files are in same directory of application file from which above code is taken Thanks and Best regards Raja