I think this is a bug - calling setRollbackOnly does not trigger the fault
handler.  The server knows that transaction failed but the client does not
so things get out of sync.   You have to throw an exception from your
assembler methods to get the fault handler called.   When you do that, if
use-transactions=true, the rollback will happen automatically.  this also
gives you the ability to pass the message of your exception to the client so
your fault handler knows what exactly the error was on the server.

At that point, you can call revertChanges to undo that change.


On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Mehdi <elextra...@yahoo.ca> wrote:

> The typical example.
> You have a datagrid that is bound with an arraycollection, which source is
> managed by LCDS via ds.fill().
> your datagrid is editable. The user edits a value in the collection and you
> fire a commit. (ds.commit()).
> Let say you are using a custom assembler. The
> updateItem(newVersion,prevVersion,changesList) method will be invoked.
> There assuming something goes wrong and you call:
> DataServiceTransaction.getCurrentDataServiceTransaction().setRollbackOnly();
> I can see the db rolling back no problem. But my client did not get any
> notification!
> I have callback functions in the commit, and I have event listener on the
> ds (fault and result) AS such:
> _dataService.commit();
> token.addResponder(new AsyncResponder(
> function onAsyncResult(result:Object, token:Object = null) : void
> {
> }
> function onAsyncFault(.../...)
> )
> AND,
> _dataService.addEventListener(DataServiceFaultEvent.FAULT, this.onFault,
> false, 0, true);
> _dataService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, this.onResult, false, 0,
> true);
> NONE of these callbacks get called. So I basically have no way of knowing
> that a rollback happened, and the user datagrid is still showing the wrong
> value, since the commit failed. Any idea?
> Note that however when an exception is thrown on the server (updateItem()
> method), I do indeed get a callback via the AsyncFault method.
> Thank you.

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