--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Jeffrey Vroom <j...@...> wrote:
> I think this is a bug - calling setRollbackOnly does not trigger the fault
> handler.  The server knows that transaction failed but the client does not
> so things get out of sync.   You have to throw an exception from your
> assembler methods to get the fault handler called.   When you do that, if
> use-transactions=true, the rollback will happen automatically.  this also
> gives you the ability to pass the message of your exception to the client so
> your fault handler knows what exactly the error was on the server.
> At that point, you can call revertChanges to undo that change.
> Jeff
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Mehdi <elextra...@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > The typical example.
> > You have a datagrid that is bound with an arraycollection, which source is
> > managed by LCDS via ds.fill().
> > your datagrid is editable. The user edits a value in the collection and you
> > fire a commit. (ds.commit()).
> >
> > Let say you are using a custom assembler. The
> > updateItem(newVersion,prevVersion,changesList) method will be invoked.
> > There assuming something goes wrong and you call:
> >
> > DataServiceTransaction.getCurrentDataServiceTransaction().setRollbackOnly();
> >
> > I can see the db rolling back no problem. But my client did not get any
> > notification!
> > I have callback functions in the commit, and I have event listener on the
> > ds (fault and result) AS such:
> >
> > _dataService.commit();
> > token.addResponder(new AsyncResponder(
> > function onAsyncResult(result:Object, token:Object = null) : void
> > {
> > }
> > function onAsyncFault(.../...)
> > )
> >
> > AND,
> >
> > _dataService.addEventListener(DataServiceFaultEvent.FAULT, this.onFault,
> > false, 0, true);
> > _dataService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, this.onResult, false, 0,
> > true);
> >
> > NONE of these callbacks get called. So I basically have no way of knowing
> > that a rollback happened, and the user datagrid is still showing the wrong
> > value, since the commit failed. Any idea?
> >
> > Note that however when an exception is thrown on the server (updateItem()
> > method), I do indeed get a callback via the AsyncFault method.
> >
> > Thank you.
> >
> >  
> >
Hi Jeff,

I'm not sure what you meant by:
"I think this is a bug - calling setRollbackOnly does not trigger the fault 
Are you confirming the fact that this is a bug, and that calling 
setRollbackOnly SHOULD actually call the fault handler or you are saying that 
only throwing an exception should do it.?


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