----- Original Message ----- 
From: "john fisher" <j...@jpfisher.net>
To: <flexcoders@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 12:35 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder on Linux been scrapped ?

> If Adobe drops Linux support for Flex, then I will probably drop Flex.
> I won't maintain a Windows or Mac box at home, and my company really
> doesn't want to invest in any more Windows apps. I don't want to invest
> myself in technology I can't run independently of whoever I happen to be
> working for today. Seeing the fickleness of the corporate owners of
> development tools is what sent us to Linux and open source tools in the
> first place. We can't bet our products on some whim of Adobe. My current
> all-Linux proof-of-concept project will be blown out of the water, and
> I'll have to get up to speed on Java.
> -grieving already
> John

A really difficullt viewpoint to understand.

FB != Flex - there's always the SDK - most people don't use the design view 
that much - do they?

Why should Adobe invest in a product that costs money to develop but has a 
low adoption rate?

You may not be happy to bet your products on the whim of Adobe, but you do 
seem happy to bet your customers come only from the linux world.

You seem happy to ditch the benefits of flex as a rapid development platform 
for rich applications in favour of  XXX simply because one development tool 
may not be available on Linux - doesn't seem to be a sensible approach to 
decide software architectures.

I don't have a problem with open source, but many people see it as a mantra 
for ife, whch is OK, but sometimes there are indirect costs to avoiding 
commercial wares.

I have yet to meet anyone outside the geek/software development world using 
Linux, so I'm curious about your targetted product market!

Anyway, the choice is yours.


> and at a time when Linux is gnawing away at laptop market from below and
> the desktop market is dying...

Well, Linux in the everyday world is still well under my radar as is the 
immenent death of the desktop. 

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