Paul Andrews wrote:
> A really difficullt viewpoint to understand.
> FB != Flex - there's always the SDK - most people don't use the design view 
> that much - do they?
won't I lose the debugger too? as noted I have to try it... Linux
doesn't have the Design View.

>  but you do 
> seem happy to bet your customers come only from the linux world.
not going to specify any OS for customers, building Flash for web

> I don't have a problem with open source, but many people see it as a mantra 
> for ife, ...

mostly it depends on what you have invested in, I've let my Windows
investment drop in favor of Linux, and I'm not sorry.
> I have yet to meet anyone outside the geek/software development world using 
> Linux, 
well we ARE talking about development platforms, not end user platforms.
Anyway netbooks and Android phones are colonizing the lower Windows
space - food for a business discussion elsewhere.

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