
Can anyone direct me to resources on how to track/profile/explore CPU usage
in a Flex app? I've googled without any real success.

In an app I'm developing, the CPU usage seemed to suddenly shoot up to near
100%. Now, I'm sure that it didn't happen suddenly; I'm sure I just wasn't
paying attention.

But there's nothing apparent going on that should create high usage -- no
video, no effects -- just some simple forms. I've spent the day commenting
out pieces to boil the app down to its essence, to try to see where this
problem is creeping in.

But it seems to come from multiple components, all of which are fairly
simple forms, with some validations, some bindings to properties on an
object being edited -- pretty much, the usual stuff.

Yet, I'm sitting here looking at the app, trimmed down to where only one of
these form elements exists within a tabNavigator, and I'm seeing almost 40%
usage with (apparently) nothing happening.

There's no memory problem -- the profiler shows maybe 15Mb going to the
application. But the CPU is going crazy.

I've tested on several machines, and the high CPU usage is consistent,
although, of course, the actual percentage varies.

I don't expect an answer (though I'd love one); I'm just hoping for some
pointers on how to troubleshoot this.



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

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