use the debug player, right click and show redraw regions...

I had a similar problems with some animated hidden swfs eating app cpu
cycles by constantly
animating / redrawing even thought they where visible=false

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 3:04 AM, Rick Winscot <>wrote:

>  How often are you calling invalidateDisplayList()? Are you using effects,
> filters, or skins – and if so... to what extent. Is there data involved?
> What kind and how much? Are the components custom? If so... can you post
> some code for us to look at?
> Obviously, all we can do is ‘stab in the dark’ and hope to hit something
> that resonates. The best would be to post some code for us to take a look
> at.
> Rick Winscot
> On 5/26/09 4:00 PM, "Tom McNeer" <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone direct me to resources on how to track/profile/explore CPU usage
> in a Flex app? I've googled without any real success.
> In an app I'm developing, the CPU usage seemed to suddenly shoot up to near
> 100%. Now, I'm sure that it didn't happen suddenly; I'm sure I just wasn't
> paying attention.
> But there's nothing apparent going on that should create high usage -- no
> video, no effects -- just some simple forms. I've spent the day commenting
> out pieces to boil the app down to its essence, to try to see where this
> problem is creeping in.
> But it seems to come from multiple components, all of which are fairly
> simple forms, with some validations, some bindings to properties on an
> object being edited -- pretty much, the usual stuff.
> Yet, I'm sitting here looking at the app, trimmed down to where only one of
> these form elements exists within a tabNavigator, and I'm seeing almost 40%
> usage with (apparently) nothing happening.
> There's no memory problem -- the profiler shows maybe 15Mb going to the
> application. But the CPU is going crazy.
> I've tested on several machines, and the high CPU usage is consistent,
> although, of course, the actual percentage varies.
> I don't expect an answer (though I'd love one); I'm just hoping for some
> pointers on how to troubleshoot this.

Fotis Chatzinikos, Ph.D.

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