The memory is not necessarily released just after you remove the items from

Removing them, you make them eligible by the garbage collector, but this
does not necessarily means that it will be collected.



On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Dharmendra Chauhan

> Hi All,
> My DataGrid based application running into a Memory issue.The issue is
> dataGrid does not release the memory even after emptying it.
> Initially I thought Its my code which is causing the issue, but later I
> crated a sample application with just a dataGrid and a ArraCollection (no
> eventListener) and found the same issue.
> Memory should come down at least some MB when I remove all item from data
> provider.
> Memory usage with 10k row - 220 MB
> Memory usage after removing all item - STILL 220 MB
> Is this the standard behavior of datGird or do i need to apply some
> workaround to get rid of this ?
> Regards,
> Dharmendra

* Pedro Sena
* Systems Architect
* Sun Certified Java Programmer
* Sun Certified Web Component Developer

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