Be sure you remove all references to your data "removed"..

For instance : is there eventlistener on them you didnt remove?

Or did you set a variable wi line as reference?




"Pedro Sena" <> Ecrivait:

>The memory is not necessarily released just after you remove the items from
>Removing them, you make them eligible by the garbage collector, but this
>does not necessarily means that it will be collected.
>On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Dharmendra Chauhan <<a
>href="";></a>> wrote:
><blockquote style="1px: " class="gmail_quote">
>Hi All,
>My DataGrid based application running into a Memory issue.The issue is
>dataGrid does not release the memory even after emptying it.
>Initially I thought Its my code which is causing the issue, but later I
>crated a sample application with just a dataGrid and a ArraCollection (no
>eventListener) and found the same issue.
>Memory should come down at least some MB when I remove all item from data
>Memory usage with 10k row - 220 MB
>Memory usage after removing all item - STILL 220 MB
>Is this the standard behavior of datGird or do i need to apply some
>workaround to get rid of this ?

* Pedro Sena
* Systems Architect
* Sun Certified Java Programmer 
* Sun Certified Web Component Developer

Guillaume Aveline
Ingénieur Développement

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