when are you calling the service?


From: Jason B <nos...@advancedonsite.com>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, August 1, 2009 5:51:26 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: creation timing on panel component

Just so you know if I use this on the component it works fine

<mx:VBox >
<nutrition:Panelcre atemeal id="pnlCreateBreakf ast" meal="{nutritionDat 
a.breakfast} "/>

--- In flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com, "Jason B" <nos...@...> wrote:
> Main.mxml
> ------------ ------
>       [Bindable]
>       private var nutritionData: XML;
>       //      create breakfast
>                       private function createBreakfast( ):void
>                       {
>                               vsMain.selectedInde x = 1;
>                               vsCreateMeals. selectedIndex = 0;
>                               plantype = 'Breakfast';
>                               pnlCreateBreakfast. meal = nutritionData. 
> breakfast;
>                       }
> <mx:HTTPService id="hsNutrition" url="/main.php/ flexnutrition/ nutritioncal"
>               result="nutritionRe sultHandler( event)"
>               fault="nutritionFau ltHandler( event)" resultFormat= "e4x"/>
>               <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100% ">
>                               <mx:ViewStack width="40%" height="410" 
> borderStyle= "inset" borderThickness= "2" id="vsCreateMeals" >
>                           <mx:VBox >
>                                    <nutrition:Panelcre atemeal 
> id="pnlCreateBreakf ast" />
>                                       </mx:VBox>
> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
> panelcreatemeal. mxml
> ------------ -
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf- 8"?>
> <mx:Panel xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe. com/2006/ mxml" width="100%" 
> height="390" 
>       borderThicknessLeft ="0" borderThicknessRigh t="0" borderThicknessBott 
> om="0"
>       dropShadowEnabled= "false"
>        horizontalAlign= "center" xmlns:containers= "com.dougmccune. 
> containers. *" title="Select An Item from below" creationPolicy= "all">
>       <mx:Script>
>               <![CDATA[
>                       //import com.createmealPanel ;
>                       [Bindable]
>                       private var _meal:XMLList;
>                       public function set meal(value:XMLList) :void
>                       {
>                               if(value)
>                               {
>                                       _meal = value;
>                                       createContainers( );
>                               }
>                       }
>                       private function createContainers( ):void
>                       {
>                               for each(var item:Object in _meal.itemdata)
>                               {
>                                       if(item.available == "yes")
>                                       {
>                                               var panelcreatemealitem 
> :Panelcreatemeal item = new Panelcreatemealitem ;
>                                               coverflow.addChild( 
> panelcreatemeali tem);
>                                               panelcreatemealitem 
> .mealDetails = item;
>                                       }
>                               }
>                       }
>               ]]>
>       </mx:Script>
>       <containers: CoverFlowContain er id="coverflow" width="100%" 
> height="100% " 
>               horizontalGap= "1" borderStyle= "inset" backgroundColor= 
> "0xFFFFFF" 
>               segments="9" reflectionEnabled= "true"/>
>                    <mx:HBox>
>                       <mx:Button label="item 1" click="parentApplic 
> ation.vsCreateMe als.selectedInde x=0;"/>
>                               <mx:Button label="side item 1" 
> click="parentApplic ation.vsCreateMe als.selectedInde x=1;"/>
>                           <mx:Button label="side item 2" click="parentApplic 
> ation.vsCreateMe als.selectedInde x=2;"/>
>                        </mx:HBox> 
> </mx:Panel>
> ------------ ---------
> panelcreatemealitem .mxml
> ---------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf- 8"?>
> <mx:Panel xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe. com/2006/ mxml" width="310" 
> height="320" 
>        title="{mealDetails .title}" horizontalAlign= "center" creationPolicy= 
> "all">
>       <mx:Metadata>
>               [Event(name= "addToMeal" )] 
>               [Event(name= "learnAboutThis" )] 
>       </mx:Metadata>
>       <mx:Script>
>               <![CDATA[
>                       import mx.controls. Alert;
>                       [Bindable]
>                       public var mealDetails: Object;
>                       private function calldispatch( ):void {
>                               parentApplication. createmeals_ loadswf_var = 
> mealDetails. swf;
>                               dispatchEvent( new Event('learnAboutTh is', 
> true));
>                       }
>               ]]>
>       </mx:Script>
>       <mx:Image source="{mealDetail s.imgsource }" width="285" height="159" />
>       <mx:Label text="{mealDetails. serving}" />
>       <mx:Button label="Add to Meal" click="dispatchEven t(new 
> Event('addToMeal' , true))"/> 
>       <mx:Button label="Learn About This" click="calldispatch ()"/>
> </mx:Panel>
> --- In flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com, claudiu ursica <the_braniak@ > wrote:
> >
> > Quick and really dirty...
> > wrap them inside a try catch block... but then I can't believe I just said 
> > that... Share some more code and I'll come up with something more 
> > engineering like...
> > 
> > C
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ____________ _________ _________ __
> > From: Jason B <nospam@>
> > To: flexcod...@yahoogro ups.com
> > Sent: Saturday, August 1, 2009 5:25:33 PM
> > Subject: [flexcoders] creation timing on panel component
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I'm calling a httpservice which I populate into this nutritionData
> > variable, I'm using a panel component to reuse it, and when I call the
> > #SETTER below it throws a 1009 error, I was wondering if the panel is
> > not yet created, if thats the case how can i wait until the panel is
> > created?
> > 
> > [Bindable]
> > private var nutritionData: XML;
> > 
> > pnlCreateBreakfast. meal = nutritionData. breakfast;
> >



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