
Thanks for your help... That's totally cleared things up, now I see why you
were suggesting to Extend the Application, etc and spoof it...

Perhaps he can put a ?querystring of required values at the end of the
filename in that settings screen?


2009/12/22 Tibor <ballai.t...@gmail.com>

> > So I guess Ben is using this... http://www.standaloneflashplayer.com/ ?
> I couldn't tell you exactly what he is using (he should be able to provide
> a specific answer to your question), but I'm pretty certain that it's not
> the player found at standaloneflashplayer.com
> You can go to Project>Properties>Run/Debug settings
> Edit the launch configuration properties of your flex app and change the
> "path to launch" to point to the swf file instead of the html.
> This will open your flex app in a flash-player window rather then the
> browser.
> Tibor.
> www.tiborballai.com

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