I'm not sure I understand your question clearly but if I assume correctly I
think the answer will be yes, there is no need for each descendant to
instantiate its own responder.


On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Tim Romano <tim_rom...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thank you, Aaron, for the helpful answers. My intention would be to have
> each of the descendants of MYHTTPSERVICEBASE point to a different
> destination and raise an event specific to that destination, and to have a
> separate listeners for each kind of event. If I've understood you correctly,
> there is no need for each of the descendants to instantiate their own
> Responder and no requirement for them to override the base execute() method
> too.
> Tim
> /* this method is in the descendant class and overrides the base method */
> private overrides function onResult(e:ResultEvent, token:Object=null):void
> {
>        // raise a specific event
>   }
> /* these two methods are in the base class */
>     public    function execute() : void {
>             myResponder = new AsyncResponder(onResult, onFault);
>             this.resultFormat= HTTPService.RESULT_FORMAT_TEXT;
>             var token:  AsyncToken = this.send();
>             token.addResponder(myResponder);
>         }
> private    function onResult(e:ResultEvent, token:Object=null):void {
>    // this method is overridden by descendants
>   }
> On 1/17/2010 3:38 PM, Aaron Hardy wrote:
> I'll take a crack at it.
> Can the event object be dispatched from within the MYHTTPSERVICEBASE?
> Sure.  I think there may be a separate underlying question here though.
> Are you asking how?  Maybe you can clarify?
> Will the GUI hear it if it's dispatched from the base class?
> First of all, if the service classes you're talking about aren't on a
> display list (it's very likely they are NOT) then an event doesn't bubble in
> the traditional sense.  Nothing will hear the event unless it specifically
> has added an event listener to your service object.  So if you want any view
> component to hear the event being dispatched by your service object, the
> view component will need to add an event listener to your service object.
> Depending on the framework you're using, there may be some other mechanism
> whereby the view can hear about a command's completion.   Something else you
> can do (though some architecture developers will cringe) is dispatch the
> event off the stage, the system manager, or the base application from your
> command and then the view would add an event listener to whichever object
> that is.
> In a class that extends MYHTTPSERVICEBASE, can I override the onResult()
> method that has been registered with the Responder by the base class?
> Yes.  In the case of your sample code, if you override onResult in your
> class that extends MYHTTPSERVICEBASE, it is the overriding function that is
> passed into the responder.  That is, when you reference onResult, you're
> referencing the "most extended" onResult function, not just the onResult
> function in the class from which onResult is referenced.
> I hope that makes sense.  It's very likely I misinterpreted your questions.
> Aaron

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