I am having trouble with an override, getting "Method marked override must override another method".

No problem at all doing this:

in the BASE CLASS:
protected  function foo(): void{}
override protected function foo(): void{}

But the error given above occurs here:
    protected  function  onResult(e:ResultEvent, token:Object=null):void {}
override protected function onResult(e:ResultEvent, token:Object=null):void {}

I don't see why it's not working. All of the requirements set out here seem to be satisfied:

I've included the class implementations below. Is the cause of the error evident?

Thanks again for the help, it's appreciated doubly because I'm stumped by this.
======= BASE CLASS ==========
package TESTREST
    import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
    import mx.rpc.AsyncResponder;
    import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
    import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
    import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

    import OEREST.events.*;
    import OEUTIL.BindableArrayCollection;
    import json.*;
    import OEUTIL.SearchConstants;

    public class MYHTTPSERVICEBASE extends HTTPService

        private var _params: Object;
        private function get Params(): Object {return _params;}
public function MYHTTPSERVICEBASE(destination: String, params:Object = null)

            var _params: Object=params;
            var baseURL: String;

            if ( SearchConstants.DEBUGMODE) {
                baseURL = SearchConstants.DEBUG_BASEURL ;
                baseURL= SearchConstants.RELEASE_BASEURL ;

            super(baseURL, destination);


        public      function execute(): void {
var myResponder : AsyncResponder= new AsyncResponder(onResult, onFault);
            this.resultFormat= HTTPService.RESULT_FORMAT_TEXT;

            var token: AsyncToken;
            if ( this.Params == null) {
                 token = this.send();
            } else {
                token = this.send(Params);


        protected function foo(): void {}

protected function onResult(e:ResultEvent, token:Object=null):void {}

protected function onFault(evt:FaultEvent, token: Object=null):void {}


====== SUBCLASS ============
package TESTREST
    public class TestService extends TESTREST.MYHTTPSERVICEBASE

        import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

        protected  const DEBUGMODE:Boolean =  CONFIG::debug;
protected const DEBUG_BASEURL:String = "http://localhost/OESharpDeploy/";
        protected const RELEASE_BASEURL:String = "";

        import TESTREST.events.*;
        import json.JParser;

        public function TestService()
            var dest: String =getServiceURL();

            var selTitles : Array =new Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12);
            var ss:String = JParser.encode(selTitles);
            var params:Object =  {"selectedTitles": ss};

            super( dest, params);

        private      function getServiceURL(): String {
            if (DEBUGMODE) {
                return DEBUG_BASEURL + "/SSQ.ashx" ;
                return RELEASE_BASEURL + "/SSQ.ashx" ;


    override  protected function foo(): void{}

override protected function onResult(e:ResultEvent, token:Object=null):void {}


On 1/17/2010 10:49 PM, Aaron Hardy wrote:

I'm not sure I understand your question clearly but if I assume correctly I think the answer will be yes, there is no need for each descendant to instantiate its own responder.


On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Tim Romano <tim_rom...@yahoo.com <mailto:tim_rom...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

    Thank you, Aaron, for the helpful answers. My intention would be
    to have each of the descendants of MYHTTPSERVICEBASE point to a
    different destination and raise an event specific to that
    destination, and to have a separate listeners for each kind of
    event. If I've understood you correctly, there is no need for each
    of the descendants to instantiate their own Responder and no
    requirement for them to override the base execute() method too.


    /* this method is in the descendant class and overrides the base
    method */
    private overrides function onResult(e:ResultEvent,
    token:Object=null):void {
           // raise a specific event

    /* these two methods are in the base class */

        public    function execute() : void {
                myResponder = new AsyncResponder(onResult, onFault);
                this.resultFormat= HTTPService.RESULT_FORMAT_TEXT;
                var token:  AsyncToken = this.send();

    private    function onResult(e:ResultEvent, token:Object=null):void {
       // this method is overridden by descendants


    On 1/17/2010 3:38 PM, Aaron Hardy wrote:

    I'll take a crack at it.

    Can the event object be dispatched from within the
    Sure.  I think there may be a separate underlying question here
    though.  Are you asking how?  Maybe you can clarify?

    Will the GUI hear it if it's dispatched from the base class?
    First of all, if the service classes you're talking about aren't
    on a display list (it's very likely they are NOT) then an event
    doesn't bubble in the traditional sense.  Nothing will hear the
    event unless it specifically has added an event listener to your
    service object.  So if you want any view component to hear the
    event being dispatched by your service object, the view component
will need to add an event listener to your service object. Depending on the framework you're using, there may be some other
    mechanism whereby the view can hear about a command's completion.
      Something else you can do (though some architecture developers
    will cringe) is dispatch the event off the stage, the system
    manager, or the base application from your command and then the
    view would add an event listener to whichever object that is.

    In a class that extends MYHTTPSERVICEBASE, can I override the
    onResult() method that has been registered with the Responder by
    the base class?
    Yes.  In the case of your sample code, if you override onResult
    in your class that extends MYHTTPSERVICEBASE, it is the
    overriding function that is passed into the responder.  That is,
    when you reference onResult, you're referencing the "most
    extended" onResult function, not just the onResult function in
    the class from which onResult is referenced.

    I hope that makes sense.  It's very likely I misinterpreted your


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