
So the component is strictly data/control code, and the skin is strictly visual 
code and layout. Very sweet.

Thanks for the insight.



--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Ariel J" <arielj...@...> wrote:
> You are not tackling this right.
> The component does not create the title bar as a child.
> The skin will do that.
> Check this out:
> (1) Do the component in ActionScript. Declare the expected elements that the 
> skin will define as variables. Define their behaviors and properties in the 
> partAdded function.
> package com.mycompany {
> [SkinState("normal")]
> public class HostComponent extends SkinnableContainer
> {
>     [SkinPart(required="false")]
>     public var titleBar:IReportTitleBar
>     override protected function 
> partAdded(partName:String,instance:Object):void
>   {
>     if (instance == titleBar)
>    {
>         titleBar.label = "My Label";
>         // or use Binding: 
> BindingUtils.bindPropert(titleBar,"label",this,titleBarLabel);
>     }
>   }
> }
>   // don't forget the partRemoved function, too
> }
> (2) Then, the skin only defines the titleBar using convenient MXML.
> <s:SparkSkin >
>   <fx:Metadata>
>     [HostComponent("com.mycompany.HostComponent")] 
>   </fx:Metadata>
>       <s:states>
>               <s:State name="normal"/>
>       </s:states>
>       <controls:DCDocTitleBar id="titleBar" />
> </s:SparkSkin>
> --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "amiller.demandlending" <amiller@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Everyone,
> > 
> > I have a sub-component which uses a String binding on a Label. The bindings 
> > works fine if I do not use a skinClass on the host component. If I do use a 
> > SparkSkin, my bindings do not execute on the sub-component. Instead, I get 
> > the value which I initialized it to.
> > 
> > Am I doing something wrong, or is this expected behavior?
> > 
> > If this is expected behavior, then what is the purpose of a SparkSkin if I 
> > have to explicitly redeclare all my control code in the skin?
> > 
> > I could just be misunderstanding the intended usage, but from what I 
> > understood in the docs it seems like a very powerful new feature.
> > 
> > Would anyone be able to enlighten me on the topic a bit more?
> > 
> > 
> > Here is the trimmed code for my host/sub
> > 
> > Host Component
> > ----
> > <s:SkinnableContainer skinClass="demand.skins.DSDoc" >
> >     <fx:Metadata>
> >             [SkinState("normal")]
> >     </fx:Metadata>
> >     <fx:Script>
> >             <![CDATA[       
> >                     [SkinPart(required="false")]
> >                     public var titleBar:IReportTitleBar
> >                     
> >                     override protected function createChildren():void
> >                     {
> >                             if (!_titleBar)
> >                             {
> >                                     _titleBar = new DCDocTitleBar();
> >                                     
> > this.addElementAt(IVisualElement(_titleBar), 0);
> >                             }
> >                             super.createChildren();
> >                     }
> >             ]]>
> >     </fx:Script>
> > </s:SkinnableContainer>
> > ---
> > 
> > The title bar sub-component
> > ----
> > <s:SkinnableContainer >
> >     <fx:Script>
> >             <![CDATA[
> >                     [Bindable]
> >                     public var label:String="Incorrect Label";
> >             ]]>
> >     </fx:Script>
> >     <s:Label text="{this.label}"/>
> > </s:SkinnableContainer>
> > ----
> > 
> > The host component skin
> > ----
> > <s:SparkSkin >
> >     <fx:Metadata>
> >             [HostComponent("demand.reports.DRDoc")] 
> >     </fx:Metadata>
> >     <s:states>
> >             <s:State name="normal"/>
> >     </s:states>
> >     <controls:DCDocTitleBar id="titleBar" />
> > </s:SparkSkin>
> > ----
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks in advance!
> > 
> > ~Aaron
> >

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