--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Alex Harui <aha...@...> wrote:
> I didn't take the time to debug your code, just looked for the usual suspects 
> and didn't see any.  It was supposed to be fixed in 3.5 but somehow got 
> busted so now will be in 3.6 but not sure when that ships.
> I didn't really want you to port the whole project, just write a test case 
> with Flex 4 to see if you are hitting that same problem, then we can figure 
> out what to do from there.

I will try that if the Array vs. ArrayCollection idea doesn't pan out...  Hate 
to go through all the trouble of installing Flex 4 Beta just for this, 
though...  Or can I just install the 4.0 SDK in my existing FlexBuilder Pro?

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