Did you by any chance upgraded to a newer release than beta 2?

From: Chris Sheffield <cmsheffi...@gmail.com>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, March 4, 2010 7:55:03 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] help - code assist stopped working

I apologize. This is probably more of an Adobe Support issue, but since I'm 
using beta 2 of FB4, I wasn't sure what kind of support is currently available.

Anyway, I was working on a project yesterday and all of a sudden my code assist 
stopped working in .as files. Still seems to work fine in .mxml files, so not 
sure what's going on. Has anyone run into this? Is there anything I can do? The 
error I receive is:

"Content Assist" did not complete normally.  Please see the log for more 
java.lang.NullPoint erException

I haven't checked the log because I have no idea where it can be found. Running 
on a Mac, btw. I suppose my next step is to simply reinstall the product if I 
can't find another fix.


Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally, Inc.
www.readnaturally. com 



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