Rick Genter wrote:
> I've been building an app with Flex Builder 3. All of a sudden when I 
> run my app using the debugger I no longer see my changes reflected. For 
> example, I have a class where I deleted several trace() calls and added 
> another trace() call, yet when I run the app I'm seeing the old trace() 
> messages and not the new trace() message. Furthermore, when I put a 
> breakpoint on the new trace() call, the debugger claims that there is no 
> code at that breakpoint, indicating that the code has not been recompiled.
> I've tried cleaning the project, restarting Flex Builder and even 
> deleting the project and re-importing it from CVS, but to no avail. Any 
> suggestions?

Are they any linked projects?  If so, try cleaning them as well or clean all 
when asked.  I had the same problem with a main project which referenced custom 
library folders.  Seems FB has a problem keeping everything in sync.

Not sure if that is your problem.

Warm Regards,


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