Download cairgorm extensions.  It has classes called Callbacks which 
basically notifies the view after a command has finished.  It's perfect 
for this situation.


-- Sent from my Palm Prē
On Apr 18, 2010 1:02 PM, Nick Middleweek <> wrote: 




I'm working on a cairngorm flex app and have been told to put all business 
logic inside the CG Command.

At the end of the CG Command, I need to get the ADG to expand it's grouping 
nodes for a particular node.

What is the correct way of solving this problem because from my Command, I 
can't 'see' the view.

Should I update the model from the Command and have a ChangeWatcher on the view 
to run the AdvancedDataGrid.expandChildrenOf() code?

Is there a right and wrong way of solving this?





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