Bill White has a nice example of spark components with Physics 

Thanks Bill!

--- In, "fusionpage" <fusionp...@...> wrote:
> I tried to open the FOAM physics form example (built for Flex 3) in Flex 
> 4/Air 2
> And get the compiler errors below. I've posted a comment on Doug's blog but 
> thought I'd also bounce it off this list.  Any ideas?
> compiler error is on this line in the setGravity function
> _gravityForce = new Gravity( new Vector(xValue, yValue) );
> public function setGravity(yValue:Number=0, xValue:Number=0):void {
> if(_gravityForce) {
> foam.removeGlobalForceGenerator(_gravityForce);
> }
> else {
> foam.simulate();
> }
> _gravityForce = new Gravity( new Vector(xValue, yValue) );
> foam.addGlobalForceGenerator(_gravityForce);
> }
> here are the errors:
> 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type __AS3__.vec:Vector to an unrelated 
> type org.generalrelativity.foam.math:Vector.
> 1137: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected no more than 0. 
> I'm using Flash Builder 4 with Flex 4 SDK w/ Air 2 SDK.
> Looks like an SDK compatibility issue
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Don

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