Sorry :) That seems to happen a lot with my topics.

Use case 1:
 Customer (a sales engineer) accesses a demo that is hosted on the web like
any other Flex app. This demo makes no api calls, but does need to access an
XML config file that lives in a data folder beside the SWF

Use case 2:
Sales engineer has a copy of the entire directory (swf, wrapper html, config
file) and runs it locally

I think your second point confirms that to support both use cases with one
version of the application, the customer would have to add a trusted
location so that the app could get to the config. That may be fine, I would
have to check.

Since this is all read-only stuff, I would have hoped I could do it with one
SWF and no user-intervention, but I imagine there are good reasons for these

On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:

> I got lost trying to follow this topic.  Whether it is browser or
> standalone shouldn’t matter.  What matters is the url of the SWF (file://or
> http://), the trust file settings on the computer, the use-network flag,
> and how you access the external resources.
> If you build a SWF to run locally then it cannot access the network.
> If you build a SWF to access the network, it cannot access the local files
> unless trusted.
> Even if trusted, you may run into issues using certain file paths.  Be sure
> to use relative paths to subfolders of the trusted folder.
> On 5/25/10 2:42 PM, "Richard Rodseth" <> wrote:
> Thanks. That sounds like a "no" for supporting my two use cases, unless the
> customer adds a trusted location or opens the SWF in the standalone player.
> On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Oleg Sivokon <>
> wrote:
> OK, it's like this:
> SWF launched in standalone player can interact with the system AND load
> remote content, just like the browser can do the same thing.
> SWF launched in browser plugin can only access permitted folders on your
> hard disc. To allow access to the folder you should either use the web
> interface (see my previous link), or read from the link Ami posted and try
> to figure out how to do that on Mac (you are not required to use web
> interface to establish local trust relationships between SWF and specific
> locations in file system, it's just that, I simply don't know how to do that
> on Mac...)
> There's yet another option for launching a SWF - that's how I usually do
> that - from the local HTTP server, in such case it acts more like as if it
> was deployed to the actual server and all the following rules apply. I would
> definitely recommend the later way of debugging as it is the most similar to
> the live situation.
> The loading of content other than SWF into another SWF is governed by
> policy files aka crossdomain.xml. You need these files if you are loading
> content from domains other than SWF origin.
> The loading of other SWFs by SWF is governed by two things:
> ApplicationDomain provided to the Loader when loading SWF with
> LoaderContext - by default it won't allow crosscripting.
> Security.allowDomain() doesn't define how classes are loaded into
> application domain, however, should prevent security errors related to
> crosscripting.
> Well, yes, it is complicated...
> --
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe System, Inc.

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