all your questions will be answered with google spreadsheets and google
domain key...

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 8:51 AM, Paul Andrews <> wrote:

> I have a potential client who has an excel spreadsheet they'd like to
> make into a "proper" application, delivered via a web page. Problem is
> that they are protective of the formulas used in the spreadsheet and
> don't want them running on the client (I may talk to them about that
> again). As far as I know the only way to make use of what they have is
> to build a Java calculation engine that runs on the server and takes
> inputs from the Flex front end and returns the outputs.
> I'm no Excel specialist so as far as I know there's no alternative to
> taking excel out of the equation for a web delivered solution.
> Any other ideas?
> Paul

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